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Home Categories Society

Postage stamp category: Society

Found sub categories: Art, People, Politics, Royal, Science and Research, Tradition and Handicraft, Religion

И. Ф. Хруцкий - Портрет жены с цветами и фруктами - 1838

J.F. Khrutsky - Portrait of the wife with flowers and fruits - 1838

Labeled: И. Ф. Хруцкий - Портрет жены с цветами и фруктами - 1838
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1983 Printed value: 4 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4009 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2264
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
В. К. Бялыницкий-Бируля - Ранняя весна - 1912

V.K. Byalynitsky-Birulya - Early Spring - 1912

Labeled: В. К. Бялыницкий-Бируля - Ранняя весна - 1912
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1983 Printed value: 6 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4008 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2508
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
Государственная третьяковская галерея - Москва - К. С. Петров-Водкин - Купание красного коня - 1912

The State Tretyakov Gallery - Moscow - Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin - Bathing the Red Horse - 1912

Labeled: Государственная третьяковская галерея - Москва - К. С. Петров-Водкин - Купание красного коня - 1912
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1978 Printed value: 4 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 3 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4007 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3113
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
Государственная третъяковская галерея - Москва - К. С. Петров-Водкин - 1918 год в петрограде 1920

The State Tretyakov Gallery - Moscow - Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin - 1918 in Petrograd, 1920

Labeled: Государственная третъяковская галерея - Москва - К. С. Петров-Водкин - 1918 год в петрограде 1920
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1978 Printed value: 6 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 3 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4006 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2652
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
Государственный русский музей - Ленинград - К. С. Петров-Водкин - Смерть комиссара 1928

The State Russian Museum - Leningrad - Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin - Death Commissioner 1928

Labeled: Государственный русский музей - Ленинград - К. С. Петров-Водкин - Смерть комиссара 1928
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1978 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 3 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4005 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2343
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
Праздником Победы! - И. М. Тоидзе - Призыв вождя (фрагмент) 1947

Victory Day! - I.M. Toidze - Call leader (fragment) 1947

Labeled: Праздником Победы! - И. М. Тоидзе - Призыв вождя (фрагмент) 1947
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1988 Printed value: 5 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4001 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2517
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
 Праздником Победы! - П. А. Кривоногов - Победа 1948

Victory Day! - P.A. Krivonogov - Victory 1948

Labeled: Праздником Победы! - П. А. Кривоногов - Победа 1948
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1988 Printed value: 5 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4000 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2249
Related tags: Art | People | Politics | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-14
Джордж Гордон Байрон 1788-1824

George Gordon Byron 1788-1824

Labeled: Джордж Гордон Байрон 1788-1824
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 15 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 3999 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 1746
Related tags: People | Writer / Author
Online since: 2015-03-13
Джеймс Фенимор Купер 1789-1851

James Fenimore Cooper 1789-1851

Labeled: Джеймс Фенимор Купер 1789-1851
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 15 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 2 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 3998 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2198
Related tags: People | Writer / Author
Online since: 2015-03-13
Государственный эрмитаж - Рембрандт - Портрет Бартье мартенс Доомер

The State Hermitage Museum - Rembrandt - Portrait of Bart Martens Doomer

Labeled: Государственный эрмитаж - Рембрандт - Портрет Бартье мартенс Доомер
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1983 Printed value: 45 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 4 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 3997 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2305
Related tags: Art | People | Painting | Artist / painter
Online since: 2015-03-13

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