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Postage stamp category: Music

Stamp 1 - 10 from 14
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Украинские Народные Инструменты - Бандура - Трембута - Дрымба - Свыруль

Ukrainian folk instruments - Bandura - Trembuta - drymba - Svyrul

Labeled: Украинские Народные Инструменты - Бандура - Трембута - Дрымба - Свыруль
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4123 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2978
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Русские Народные Инструменты - Туаш - Ложка - Жалейка

Russian Folk Instruments - Tuash - Spoon - Zhaleika

Labeled: Русские Народные Инструменты - Туаш - Ложка - Жалейка
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4122 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3065
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Белорусские Народные Инструменты - Бубен - Дудка - Лера

Belarusian folk instruments - Tambourine - Dudka - Lera

Labeled: Белорусские Народные Инструменты - Бубен - Дудка - Лера
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4121 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2816
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Узбекские Народные Инструменты - Нагора - Занг - Карнай - Туджак - Рубаб

Uzbek folk instruments - Nagora - Zhang - Karnay - Tudzhak - Rubaba

Labeled: Узбекские Народные Инструменты - Нагора - Занг - Карнай - Туджак - Рубаб
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1989 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4120 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3119
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Латышские Народные Инструменты - Танурагс - Дира - Стабыле - Кокле - Сиетынош

Latvian folk instruments - Tanurags - Dir - Stabyle - Cocle - Sietynosh

Labeled: Латышские Народные Инструменты - Танурагс - Дира - Стабыле - Кокле - Сиетынош
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1991 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4119 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3029
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Киргизские Народные Инструменты - Комуз (Варган) - Сарбасний - Кыяк - Чоор - Комузы

Kyrgyz folk instruments - Komuz (Jew`s harp) - Sarbasny - kayak - choor - komuz

Labeled: Киргизские Народные Инструменты - Комуз (Варган) - Сарбасний - Кыяк - Чоор - Комузы
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1991 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4118 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3539
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Молдавские Народные Инструменты - Най - Цамбал - Чимпой - Флуер

Moldavian folk instruments - Nye - Tsambal - Cimpoi - Frula

Labeled: Молдавские Народные Инструменты - Най - Цамбал - Чимпой - Флуер
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1990 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4117 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3023
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Грузинские Народные Инструменты - Тудастбири - Дайра - Чанги - Чонгури

Georgian folk instruments - Tudastbiri - Daira - Changi - chonguri

Labeled: Грузинские Народные Инструменты - Тудастбири - Дайра - Чанги - Чонгури
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1990 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4116 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 10252
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Азербайджанские Народные Инструменты - Нагара - Саз - Тар - Баламан

Azerbaijani folk instruments - Nagara - Saz - Tar - Ballaman

Labeled: Азербайджанские Народные Инструменты - Нагара - Саз - Тар - Баламан
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1990 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4115 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 3013
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
Литовские Народные Инструменты - Скудугяй - Дуда - Ожрашс - Канклес

Lithuanian folk instruments - Skudugyay - Duda - Ozhrashs - kankles

Labeled: Литовские Народные Инструменты - Скудугяй - Дуда - Ожрашс - Канклес
Country: Soviet Union / Union of Socialist Soviet Republics / USSR (Russia)
Year: 1990 Printed value: 10 к
Found copies: 0 Found set items: 11 (View set)
Stamp-ID: 4114 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Comments: 0 Views: 2839
Related tags: Historical devices | Society | Art | Musical instruments
Online since: 2015-03-18
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