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Queen Elizabeth II, Postage Revenue / 1952
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Home United Kingdom Stamp-ID 1112

Queen Elizabeth II, Postage Revenue
Queen Elizabeth II, Postage Revenue

Queen Elizabeth II, Postage Revenue001112

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 1952 Printed value: 3 D
Found copies: 1 Found set items: 0
Stamp-ID: 001112 Stamp collection: OldStamps
Views: 39703 Comments 16
Info Links: About Queen Elizabeth II | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II
Related tags: Historical stamps | Society | Royal
Online since: 2011-12-06

Comments (latest first)

Brown gurl2017-07-01 11:10:10 "I have several of her stamps and many other stamps of people "
chetan2016-07-21 07:44:53 "I have lots steam alls are more than 60 years old and want to sell it "
Rusty2016-06-12 12:36:08 "I have one like it, except the ER letters are tight together on the upper left of the stamp, and about 2/3 of the way down on the left there is a white star shape with a purple hand in it and a small white outline of a crown on top of the star. There`s no oval framing the Queen, and on the right side of her there is a long stem with thin leaves and 3 flowers on the top Anybody know what year it is and is it worth anything? Thanks"
takis2016-06-08 13:27:24 "I have this one and I am willing to sell it but I don`t know how much rate that stamp.Can anyone help me ?"
B2016-03-11 15:24:28 "I have one."
glow2015-09-17 11:02:12 "have 2 of this item 1 used 1 new @@ any idea or interested?? "
Tay2015-08-10 20:43:41 "I have one"
WEN2014-12-08 22:35:32 "I the Queen Elizabeth stamp from 1965 on an envelope my mother was born and raised in England is this stamp worth anything? Thank you Wendy"
MAGIC MAN2014-10-03 23:21:52 "I do have a copy identical as the one being showing on the computer screen. Denomination value, 3D POSTAGE REVENUE like purple color"
sousa_19502014-02-15 22:50:35 "I have one and I am willing to sell"
Shahram2013-12-12 00:15:44 "Hello, I have same stamp but I don`t know how much rate that? Please help me "
Shahram2013-12-12 00:12:09 "Hello, I have same stamp. But I don`t know how much rate that stamp. Please help me and give me information seal. Thanks"
Sergio2013-12-02 12:10:49 "I have the same one from 1861. Is it possible?"
Joy2012-09-10 13:14:39 "I collected stamps from 1970 to about 1975 this stamp could be from the 60`s or 70`s "
Joy2012-09-10 13:05:47 "Hi I don`t any info of this stamp but I also have 1"
maki2012-01-09 00:05:55 "i have it"

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